

Equal Pay Day symbolizes that how much more work women will have to do to earn what men have earned in the last year.

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In other words, it reflects the gender pay gap. Equal Pay Day is like an opportunity to demonstrate about the gender pay gap.



Equal Pay Day was started in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) as an awareness program to show the difference in pay between women and men.



Initially its name was National Pay Inequality Awareness Day and in 1998 it was renamed as Equal Pay Day.



Equal Pay Day is celebrated in many countries, including countries like UK, Germany, US and Australia.



Equal Pay Day is held every year on a Tuesday in the month of March. This year it has been celebrated on 14th March.



Gender pay gap is such a problem that affects women, which also affects their profession and education level. If the average is taken, a woman earns less as compare to a man for the same work.